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Keeping Your Dog Safe On Winter Walks

Are you still taking your dog out for daily walks during the winter months? Keeping to your dog’s regular exercise schedule is important during the winter, and just like you, they should bundle up before heading out.

Dogs, in particular smaller breeds with their bodies closer to the ground and those with shorter coats are just as vulnerable to winter chills and frostbite as humans so it is up to us as responsible pet owners to give them the protection they deserve.

Winter Jackets

  • These are great insulators for dogs that don’t have a thick coat of fur, who can struggle when temperatures drop very far below freezing.
  • Make sure that they fit properly because a loose jacket or sweater won’t do it’s job for keeping them warm and could also get urinated on.


  • Help prevent the formation of compacted snow between the foot pads
  • Ensure that salt and sand from the roads and sidewalks does not find its way into a dog’s feet to be licked at later. Ingesting road salt can have serious health repercussions.

Clean The Salt and Chemicals off Your Dog

If your dog will not wear boots, give your dog a thorough rub-down with a clean towel before they come inside. Dogs can easily ingest antifreeze, salt, and other chemicals by licking it off of their feet and legs. Salt and chemicals will also irritate their skin if left alone for too long.

Signs Your Dog is Too Cold

Just like people, dogs can experience frostbite and pain from staying out in the cold too long. Pay attention to what your dogs are telling you and bring them in if they show any of the following signs.

  • Whining
  • Limping
  • Anxiety
  • Lethargy
  • Shivering

If it is too cold to go out on a walk, Click Here for tips on how to exercise them indoors.