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Top 3 Recommendations To Good Pet Oral Health

February is Pet Dental Health Month.

Poor pet dental health impacts more than just the smell of their breath, it also contributes to their overall health and wellness.

Oral health / dental care is the #2 vet-recommendation resulting from routine exams (2013 Canada’s Pet Wellness Report, CVMA), and that’s ahead of deworming, parasite control & vaccinations.

What many pet owners often don’t realise is that taking a proactive approach to their pets’ oral and dental care helps to reduce instances and even prevent some very major health problems that can be brought on as a result of poor or lack of maintenance.

Conditions that can be reduced or prevented by regular dental care include:

  • periodontal disease, the erosion of soft tissue and bone that hold the teeth in place by bacteria, a very painful condition
  • stroke
  • organ failure due to blood-borne bacteria originating in the mouth circulating throughout the body
  • endocarditis, the collection of these migrant bacteria on the valves of the heart
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • respiratory infection via an oro-nasal fistula, which is a hole in the hard palate of the mouth that leads to the sinuses, caused by the spread of bacteria from dental disease

Top Vet Recommendations To Pet Owners

So what can you do to maintain good oral health for your pets? Here are veterinarian Dr. Neil Gowan, Bsc DVM’s top 3 recommended methods to keeping your pet’s smile white, breath bearable and organs healthy.

Brush Daily

One of the very best ways to avoid the completely preventable condition of periodontal disease is by brushing your pet’s teeth daily using a pet toothpaste. Brushes and pastes are available for purchase at your local pet store or often from your veterinarian.

Eating Right

Just like we do for ourselves, we can greatly mitigate the damage that is done to their oral health by changing their diets. Dental treats and/or diets that have the Veterinary Oral Health Council seal can go a long way to keeping teeth cleaner and gums healthier.

Following Veterinary Recommended Treatment Plans

Trust and follow the recommendations set out by your veterinarian. Routine dental cleanings are important to halt and prevent the onset of dental disease and are an essential part of your pet’s overall wellness, just like a good diet, vaccines and parasite prevention.

If you have questions about your pet’s oral health and dental care, contact your veterinarian today.