Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am
Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am
Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Unit 10, 1 Wexford Rd, Wexford Square Plaza, Brampton, ON
Call Us: 905-495-9907
New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration around the world, but it is also a night of high anxiety for pets, with fireworks, loud music and horns. To help your pet get through the noisy night, consider these tips.
Many Pet’s have a favourite hiding place where they go when they are frightened. Know your pet, place them in a room where they can not hurt themselves or damage your belongings.
Try using a distracting noise to help cover up the alarming sounds. Calm classical music can help to relieve many animals’ anxiety. Turn the music up to a comfortable volume; enough to drown out some of the loud party sounds, but not too loud to be disturbing to your pet.
Exercise your pet’s as much as they can handle and hopefully, when the noise starts, your pet will be too tired to get very stressed out by it.
Give your dog or cat some food puzzles to play with during the time when there will be a lot of noise, or get a few new toys for them to play with.
It’s best if you do not allow your pet to be outdoors on New Year’s Eve. The fireworks and other out of the ordinary sounds may be scary for dogs and cats. If you do allow your pet outside be sure that your gates or fence is secure and that your pet is on a leash
Our Service Area is:
Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Unit 10, 1 Wexford Road, Wexford Square Plaza, Brampton, Ontario
All Rights Reserved | Emergency Veterinary Clinic, Highway 10 in Brampton