Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am
Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am
Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Unit 10, 1 Wexford Rd, Wexford Square Plaza, Brampton, ON
Call Us: 905-495-9907
If you know how much (and what kind of) chocolate your dog has eaten, it should be pretty easy to determine if they're in danger. Generally, the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is. Dark, bitter baking chocolate can be up to 8x more toxic than milk chocolate, while white chocolate is typically of little concern.
Chocolate contains the chemical Theobromine, which stimulates the heart and nervous system while relaxing smooth muscle.
A low dosage of chocolate can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, panting, hyperactivity, restlessness, and an increased heart rate.
In higher doses, chocolate can cause neurological symptoms such as tremors, seizures, coma and even death. Often, more dangerous symptoms will take a few hours to manifest.
If you suspect your dog has eaten chocolate, take them to the vet immediately. If the chocolate was consumed within the last hour, inducing vomiting quickly will solve the problem. Your veterinarian will be able to do this safely.
There are many methods used to induce vomiting, however some are almost as dangerous as the chocolate itself. If you do it wrong, the problem may get worse.
If the chocolate was consumed more than an hour ago, inducing vomiting will likely not help. Err on the side of caution, and seek treatment.
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell, and they tend to be very experimental with what they consume. Play it safe, and keep the chocolate well out of their reach!
*Disclaimer: this calculator is a very simplified tool, and will not account for the individual sensitivities of your pet. You should always consult your veterinarian if you think your dog is showing symptoms related to consuming chocolate.*
Our Service Area is:
Hours Weeknights: 7pm to 8am Weekends/Holidays: 24 Hour Service Friday 7pm to Monday 8am
Unit 10, 1 Wexford Road, Wexford Square Plaza, Brampton, Ontario
All Rights Reserved | Emergency Veterinary Clinic, Highway 10 in Brampton