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How to Tell if your Dog is in Pain

While there are obvious signs that your dog is experiencing pain – like yelping or limping – dogs will typically try to hide it. This can be blamed on genetics: a wild dog that appears to be hurt can fall victim to predators.

When should I be looking out for my dog:
Watch for changes in behaviour with your pet. It is hiding, lethargic or appetite changes. Be sure to pay attention to unusual reaction when you handle your pet. Such as whining or acting aggressively. These changes could signal pain and should be checked out by your veterinarian or an emergency animal hospital.

Although it may be not always be apparent, there are ways you can detect if your dog is in distress.

Here are some lesser-known symptoms to look out for:

  • Enlarged pupils
  • Flattened ears
  • Hair standing up in places
  • Restlessness
  • Excessive panting when resting
  • Repetitively getting up and lying down again
  • Continually licking or scratching one particular area

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Be sure to call your vet if your dog is showing any of these signs for proper treatment.